Private TutoringPrivate tutoring is done by appointment in Germantown, Maryland. Other arrangements can be discussed on a case by case basis. Note also that travel may incur further fees. Private tutoring consist of one-on-one assistance in your subject matter. A few examples of how this service is used includes students who've missed classes, students not understanding the material, students wanting to place higher on a math placement test in order to fulfill their math requirements sooner, students wanting to learn at their own pace, etc.. The cost for this service is $60.00 per hour. |
Group TutoringGroup tutoring is done by appointment in various locations. The location will be predetermined before service starts. Group tutoring consist of multiple students working with the same subject matter. Examples of this service may be two or more students in a class seeking help, students seeking to learn as much as possible on their own before they register for a class or wish to possibly test into a higher level class, students seeking help who are enrolled in a distance course, test preparation for college/graduate school etc.. The cost for this service varies. |
Sir Mathematics BlogGot questions? The Sir Mathematics Blog is now available. This is a blog for posting and responding to questions. Go there now Sir Mathematics Blog. |
Our ServicesAppointments for our services may be scheduled on a weekly or as needed basis. If you would like to set up an appointment or for more information contact us. Books are in the works, we will keep you posted. |